
如果您一直在阅读我之前的文章,您可能会看到我一直在努力构建机器学习驱动的交易策略。这个策略的目标是在没有我自己太多投入的情况下击败市场(除了最初的代码开发),这说起来容易做起来难。我之前的许多尝试都集中在回测一种交易策略,该策略利用一种称为 Facebook Prophet 的特定时间序列模型。该模型的策略通常针对加密货币市场或与情绪分析一起进行回测。
这一次,我将针对旧股票市场对其进行回测。这种交易策略的目标是简单地超越相同股票的基本买入和持有策略,并且最终仍然盈利。但是这一次,我将通过调整我为这个 AI 驱动的交易策略制作的许多自定义参数来增强它。我经常发现这些参数需要针对不同的股票进行不同的调整。但是,每次回测新股票时,我都不需要手动更改它们。
- 确保我的自定义函数彼此无缝集成。
- 循环遍历我创建的不同参数的各种组合。
- 开发一个分析函数,自动评估每个回测以确定是否需要再次运行回测,但使用不同的参数。
要导入的 Python 库
# 库
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import numpy as np
import plotly.express as px
from predicting import Prophet
import yfinance as yf
import itertools
import time
import random
from scipy import stats
from statsmodels.stats .weightstats 导入 ztest
数据和 Facebook Prophet
以下函数用于:首先,从 Yahoo Finance 获取价格数据,然后使用一些默认参数实例化 Facebook Prophet,最后在特定时间范围内运行它:
def getStockPrices(stock, n_days, training_days, mov_avg): """ Gets stock prices from now to N days ago and training amount will be in addition to the number of days to train. """ # Designating the Ticker ticker = yf.Ticker(stock) # Getting all price history price_history = ticker.history(period="max") # Check on length if len(price_history)<n_days+training_days+mov_avg: return pd.DataFrame(), price_history # Getting relevant length prices = price_history.tail(n_days+training_days+mov_avg) # Filling NaNs with the most recent values for any missing data prices = prices.fillna(method='ffill') # Getting the N Day Moving Average and rounding the values for some light data preprocessing prices['MA'] = prices[['Close']].rolling( window=mov_avg ).mean().apply(lambda x: round(x, 2)) # Resetting format for FBP prices = prices.reset_index().rename( columns={"Date": "ds", "MA": "y"} ) # Dropping the Nans prices.dropna(inplace=True, subset=['y']) return prices, price_history def fbpTrainPredict(df, forecast_period, interval_width=0.80): """ Uses FB Prophet and fits to a appropriately formatted DF. Makes a prediction N days into the future based on given forecast period. Returns predicted values as a DF. """ # Setting up prophet m = Prophet( daily_seasonality=True, yearly_seasonality=True, weekly_seasonality=True, interval_width=interval_width ) # Fitting to the prices m.fit(df[['ds', 'y']]) # Future DF future = m.make_future_dataframe( periods=forecast_period, freq='B', include_history=False ) # Predicting values forecast = m.predict(future) # Returning a set of predicted values return forecast[['ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']] def runningFBP(prices, forecast_period, training_days, interval_width): """ Runs Facebook Prophet to get predictions over a set period of time. Uses FBP to train and predict every N days and gets the price forecasts. """ # DF for the predicted values pred_df = pd.DataFrame() # Running the model each day for i in tqdm(range(training_days, len(prices)+1), leave=False): # Training then Predicting the last day of the forecast forecast = fbpTrainPredict( prices[i-training_days:i], forecast_period, interval_width=interval_width ).tail(1) # Adding the forecast predicted (last day) pred_df = pred_df.append(forecast, ignore_index=True) # Prepping for merge by converting date values to be the same type pred_df['ds'] = pred_df['ds'].apply(lambda x: str(x)[:10]) prices['ds'] = prices['ds'].apply(lambda x: str(x)[:10]) # Shifting the forecasts back in order to compare it to the 'current' open values pred_df[['yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']] = pred_df[['yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']].shift(-forecast_period) # Merging with the prices DF in order to compare values for positions later merge_df = prices[['ds', 'Open']].merge( pred_df, on='ds', how='outer' ).dropna().set_index('ds') return merge_df
这 3 个函数与我在之前的文章中使用的函数非常相似,如果不一样的话。以下是每一个的简要介绍:
— 检索给定股票的价格历史记录并格式化返回的 Pandas DataFrame 以无缝适应 Facebook Prophet。fbpTrainPredict()
— 使用一组默认参数实例化 Prophet,并根据提供的 DF 进行预测。runningFBP()
— 在特定时间长度内重复使用实例化的 Facebook Prophet,进行并收集其预测,然后返回这些预测的 DF。
def fbpPositions(pred_df, short=True): """ Gets positions based on the predictions and the actual values. This is the logic of the trading strategy. """ if pred_df['open'] < pred_df['yhat_lower']: return 1 elif pred_df['open'] > pred_df['yhat_upper'] and short: return -1 else: return 0
本质上,这个函数所做的是观察 FBP 的价格预测并将它们与“开盘”价格进行比较。由于 FBP 预测上限、中限和下限价格,这些值将与“开盘”价格进行比较以确定策略的推荐交易头寸。
def riskAnalysis(performance, prices, price_history, interval_width): """ Analyzes the performance DataFrame to calculate various evaluation metrics on the backtest to determine if the backtest performance was favorable. """ ### Hypothesis testing average returns # Weekly returns for fb prophet rets = performance['fbp_positions'].pct_change(5).dropna() # Buy and hold for about the last two years for the stock hold = price_history['Close'].tail(500).apply(np.log).diff().cumsum().apply(np.exp).dropna() # Weekly returns in those years hold_ret = hold.pct_change(5).mean() # Average returns if len(performance)<=30: # T-testing stat_test = stats.ttest_1samp( rets, popmean=hold_ret ) else: # Z-testing stat_test = ztest( rets, value=hold_ret ) # Ending portfolio balance bal = performance.tail(1) # Moving Average returns ma_ret = performance.rolling(window=5).mean().dropna() # How often fbp beats holding ma_ret['diff'] = ma_ret['fbp_positions'] > ma_ret['buy_hold'] diff = ma_ret['diff'].mean() # How often the fbp portfolio had a balance greater than its initial balance ma_ret['beat_bal'] = ma_ret['fbp_positions'] > 1 beat_bal = ma_ret['beat_bal'].mean() # How often fbp MA returns were positive ma_ret['uptrend'] = ma_ret['fbp_positions'].diff().dropna()>=0 uptrend = ma_ret['uptrend'].mean() # Performance score score = 0 # P-value check if stat_test[1]<0.05: score += 1 # Checking ending portfolio balance if bal['fbp_positions'][0]>bal['buy_hold'][0] and bal['fbp_positions'][0]>1: score += 1 # How often fbp outperformed buy and hold if diff>.8: score += 1 # How often fbp had returns greater than the initial portfolio balance if beat_bal>.6: score += 1 # How often fbp had positive upward trend if uptrend>.55: score += 1 # Dictionary containing values score_res = { "result": True, "score": score, "endingBalance": { "prophet": bal['fbp_positions'][0], "buyHold": bal['buy_hold'][0] }, "betterThanBuyHold": diff, "greaterPortfolioBalance": beat_bal, "upwardTrend": uptrend, "pValue": stat_test[1], "interval_width": interval_width } if score>=5: return score_res else: # Backtest result is bad score_res['result'] = False return score_res
在这个函数中,我选择创建自定义评估指标来评估回测结果。以下是我寻找的 5 件事:
- 回测的期末投资组合余额。
- 它在同一时间范围内的表现优于买入并持有策略的频率。
- 投资组合余额超过其初始余额的频率。
- 每日回报为正的频率。
- 如果此交易策略的平均每周回报在统计上显着优于买入并持有策略(过去 2 年)的平均每周回报。
def backtestStock(stock, pred_df, prices, price_history, interval_width): # Adding positions to the forecast DF positions = pred_df # Getting forecast prophet positions positions['fbp_positions'] = positions.apply( lambda x: fbpPositions(x, short=True), axis=1 ) # Buy and hold position positions['buy_hold'] = 1 # Getting daily returns log_returns = prices[['ds', 'Close']].set_index( 'ds' ).loc[positions.index].apply(np.log).diff() # The positions to backtest (shifted ahead by 1 to prevent lookahead bias) bt_positions = positions[[ 'buy_hold', 'fbp_positions' ]].shift(1) # The returns during the backtest returns = bt_positions.multiply( log_returns['Close'], axis=0 ) # Inversing the log returns to get daily portfolio balance performance = returns.cumsum().apply( np.exp ).dropna().fillna( method='ffill' ) # Performing risk analysis risk = riskAnalysis(performance, prices, price_history, interval_width) return risk, performance
- FBP 的训练天数——训练模型所需的天数。
- 移动平均量——平均多少天以平滑价格数据(通常设置为 3 或 5)。
- 预测期——预测模型将预测未来多少天(通常设置为 3 或 5)。
- 区间宽度 — 价格预测上限和下限的范围有多远(默认为 0.8)。
- 回测时长——对模型进行回测的天数(时间越长,回测多个参数所需的时间越长)。
def parameterTuning(stock, n_days_lst, training_days_lst, mov_avg_lst, forecast_period_lst, fbp_intervals, stop_early=True): """ Given a list of parameters for a specific stock. Iterates through different combination of parameters until a successful backtest performance is found. Optional stop_early variable for stopping tuning immediately when a positive backtest result is found """ # Tuning the stock with FB Prophet print(f"Tuning FBP parameters for {stock}. . .") # All combinations of the parameters params = [n_days_lst, training_days_lst, mov_avg_lst, forecast_period_lst, fbp_intervals] lst_params = list(itertools.product(*params)) # Randomizing order of params random.shuffle(lst_params) # List of tested params param_lst = [] # Iterating through combos for param in tqdm(lst_params): # Retrieving prices with the given parameters prices, price_history = getStockPrices( stock, n_days=param[0], training_days=param[1], mov_avg=param[2] ) # Checking if the prices retrieved are empty if prices.empty: print(f"Not enough price history for {stock}; skipping backtest...") continue # Running Facebook Prophet with the set parameters pred_df = runningFBP( prices, forecast_period=param[3], training_days=param[1], interval_width=param[4] ) # Running backtest backtest, performance = backtestStock( stock, pred_df, prices, price_history, interval_width=param[4] ) # Creating param dictionary to record results res = { "n_days": param[0], "training_days": param[1], "mov_avg": param[2], "forecast_period": param[3], "interval_width": param[4], "backtestAnalysis": backtest, "bt_performance": performance } # Appending the results param_lst.append(res) # Checking backtest result if backtest['result']==True and stop_early==True: return { "optimumParamLst": param_lst, "optimumResultFound": True } # Dictionary containing sorted parameter results list; best result is last param_d = { "optimumParamLst": sorted( param_lst, key=lambda x: ( x['backtestAnalysis']['score'], x['backtestAnalysis']['pValue']*-1, x['backtestAnalysis']['endingBalance']['prophet'] ) ), "optimumResultFound": True } # Returning parameter tuning results if backtest['result']==True: return param_d else: # Poor backtest performances param_d['optimumResultFound'] = False return param_d
参数用于在找到参数后立即停止搜索最佳参数组合。可能有许多最佳参数集,但如果您只想找到第一个尽快通过所有分析检查的参数集,则提供了该选项。如果没有找到最佳组合,则返回“最佳”参数集(通过最多的分析检查、最低的 P 值、最高的投资组合期末余额等)。
def backtestStockAndPredict(stock, n_days_lst, training_days_lst, mov_avg_lst, forecast_period_lst, fbp_intervals,stop_early=True, visualize=True): # Printing the stock print(f"\nBacktesting {stock}. . .") # Tuning parameters for stock results = parameterTuning( stock, n_days_lst, training_days_lst, mov_avg_lst, forecast_period_lst, fbp_intervals, stop_early=stop_early ) if results['optimumResultFound']==False: print(f"\t***No optimum params found for {stock}***") # Optimum Parameters opt_params = results['optimumParamLst'][-1] # Visualizing last (best) result if visualize: # Getting the performance DF performance = opt_params['bt_performance'] # Visual of the backtest fig = px.line( performance, x=performance.index, y=performance.columns, title=f'FBProphet vs Buy&Hold for {stock}', labels={"value": "Portfolio Balance", "index": "Date"} ) fig.show() # Retrieving prices with the given parameters prices, price_history = getStockPrices( stock, n_days=opt_params['n_days'], training_days=opt_params['training_days'], mov_avg=opt_params['mov_avg'] ) # Run Prophet for current prediction preds = fbpTrainPredict( prices.tail(opt_params['training_days']), opt_params['forecast_period'], opt_params['interval_width'] ).tail(1) preds['Open'] = prices.tail(1)['Open'].values # Getting forecast prophet positions trade_decision = fbpPositions(preds.to_dict('records')[0], short=True) trade_dict = { 1 : f"Buy {stock}", 0 : f"Exit {stock}/Do nothing", -1: f"Short {stock}" } # Printing trade decision print(trade_dict[trade_decision]) # Printing the optimum params print("Best Optimum Parameters Found:\n", opt_params) return
# 要测试的不同参数列表 n_days_lst = [100]training_days_lst = [50,100,200,400]mov_avg_lst = [3,5]predict_period_lst = [3,5]fbp_intervals = [0.80, 0.90, 0.99]# 要回测股票代码的股票列表 = ["MSFT", "JNJ", "DIS", "LMT", "GOOG"]# 洗牌股票 random.shuffle(tickers)# 在股票代码中遍历 i 的股票 : # 回测每一个 backtestStockAndPredict( stock=i, n_days_lst=n_days_lst, training_days_lst=training_days_lst, mov_avg_lst=mov_avg_lst, forecast_period_lst=forecast_period_lst, fbp_intervals=fbp_intervals, stop_early=True, Visualize=True )
以下是针对上述股票找到的 5 个最佳回测结果中的 4 个,同时stop_early




与买入并持有的同行相比,谷歌和微软与 FB Prophet(前 2 张图片)的交易带来了明显更好的表现。即使在谷歌股价相当低迷的情况下,FBP 交易策略仍然能够显示出收益。您也会在 Microsoft 中注意到类似的结果。
最后一个优化的回测是 LMT,它的表现严重落后:

这并不是世界上最糟糕的表现,因为它的投资组合余额仍然以正数结束,但与简单的买入并持有策略相比——FBP 交易策略无法完全削减它。在这种情况下,我什至不会费心使用 FBP 策略。但是,也许如果我要包含更多参数值来测试它可能会产生积极的性能?
应该注意的是,运行这个回测优化功能可能非常昂贵。就我而言,仅对 5 只股票进行优化的整个过程大约需要一个半小时。即使stop_early